Microsoft Defender XDR Service Principal

This article provides an overview of the Microsoft Defender XDR Service Principal.

ContraForce for MDE Overview

The Microsoft Defender XDR service principal is used to facilitate visibility and management access for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint data. This is used in the Portal Endpoints page, where MDE data is aggregated.


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Client ID` 6efccc6a-f0d3-49e5-92d0-17d4afa9ba52
API WindowsDefenderATP
Permission AdvancedQuery.Read
Type Delegated
Admin Consent Required Yes
Purpose This permission is used to enable querying of raw event and incident data on behalf of the signed in user.


Client ID 6efccc6a-f0d3-49e5-92d0-17d4afa9ba52
API WindowsDefenderATP
Permission Alert.Read
Type Delegated
Admin Consent Required Yes
Purpose This permission is used to display Defender alerts that the signed in user has access to.


Client ID 6efccc6a-f0d3-49e5-92d0-17d4afa9ba52
API WindowsDefenderATP
Permission Machine.Read
Type Delegated
Admin Consent Required Yes
Purpose This permission is used to retrieve and display endpoint profile details in the Portal Endpoint page.


Client ID 6efccc6a-f0d3-49e5-92d0-17d4afa9ba52
API WindowsDefenderATP
Permission Score.Read
Type Delegated
Admin Consent Required Yes
Purpose This permission is used to display the Threat and Vulnerability Management score the signed in user has access to.


Client ID 6efccc6a-f0d3-49e5-92d0-17d4afa9ba52
API WindowsDefenderATP
Permission Vulnerability.Read
Type Delegated
Admin Consent Required Yes
Purpose This permission is used to display Threat and Vulnerability Management vulnerability information in the Portal Endpoints page on behalf of the signed in user.