ContraForce Multi-Tenant Features

ContraForce supports multi-tenant use cases with multiple product features. This article will cover the features in place to support the multi-tenant use case.


The ContraForce platform provides robust support for service providers utilizing Sentinel and/or Defender and managing multiple customers. Central to this, is the capability to view incidents for all customers in one unified interface. The ContraForce Command Page provides this capability.

The Command page enables service providers to easily access data for all associated child tenants within a unified view. Operators can utilize the workspace filter dropdown to select specific workspaces and customize their own comprehensive view. By default, all workspace data will be displayed. 

Furthermore, operators have the option to filter incidents in the table at the bottom half of the Command page by selecting specific workspaces, as well as by Severity and Status.

As you move to other pages within ContraForce, the workspaces chosen using the filter option at the top of the Command page will remain selected.

If you have any questions about multi-tenant support, contact the ContraForce team at