ContraForce Pre-Onboarding Process

ContraForce enables service providers to enhance the efficiency of the onboarding process by offering a pre-onboarding feature through the Workspaces tab.


Within the ContraForce portal, you can find the Workspaces tab (3rd icon - Triangle) which displays all child tenants connected to a service provider's parent tenant. A key feature of the Workspaces page is to allow service providers to onboard their end customers to ContraForce in advance, streamlining the process for increased efficiency.

In this article, we will guide you on how to make use of the pre-onboarding feature efficiently.

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1. Navigate to the Workspaces page (3rd Icon - Triangle). 



Workspace icon shown in the screenshot above (3rd from top - Triangle)

2. Adding a Workspace

Workspaces 0

Click "Add Workspace" button located on the top right of the screen. 

3. Input Customer Tenant Details


Please ensure that the email address entered for the Customer Admin Email field is correct as this will be the email used to receive the ContraForce onboarding invitation email.

4. Select Configuration and Modules


If the end customer will be using XDR Modules exclusively, choose XDR under Configuration. Next, select the specific modules that will be utilized. In the example displayed above, both XDR + SIEM have been selected, so modules for both options are visible. Simply click on the name of each desired module to add it.

5. Send Invitation or Save Pre-Onboarding Configuration


At the last step of the pre-onboarding process, you will see the chosen Configuration (XDR or XDR + SIEM) along with the selected modules.

Choosing to Save the configuration will store the settings, allowing the onboarding configuration to be sent to the customer at a later time. The screenshot below shows the result of saving the configuration. Clicking the "Send Invite" button will trigger the email notification.



Selecting the Invite option will prompt ContraForce to send an invitation to the email address provided for the Customer Admin Email, inviting them to onboard their Tenant to the ContraForce platform.

6. Filtering Workspaces

Workspaces 1

The Workspaces page can be further filtered down to show tenants that have been Onboarded or Pre-Onboarded. The status for each tenant is also visible under the Status column within the table.